Cover artwork courtesy of Anahita Mosayebi.
Editor’s Note
Editorial Features
“A Poet’s Dangerous Work: A Conversation with Stella Fridman Hayes & A Portfolio of Poetry” – curated by Kristina Marie Darling
“Archeology, Art, Theory, & Mischief: A Conversation with Kurtis Lesick” – curated by Kristina Marie Darling
“Real poetry is under threat” — An Interview with Mohamed Metwalli (Egypt)” — curated by Ming Di
“To Turn My Body Another Direction: A Conversation with Amanda Hawkins” — curated by Lisa Olstein
“The Page as a Kind of Sheet Music: A Conversation with Diana Khoi Nguyen” — curated by Lisa Olstein
“Something Rattling Apart: A Conversation with Michael Snediker” — curated by Lisa Olstein
“In Inheritance of Drowning: A Conversation with Dorsía Silva Smith” — curated by Esteban Rodriguez
“Mid/South Sonnets: A Conversation with Casie Dodd & C.T. Salazar” — curated by Esteban Rodriguez
“So Much More: A Conversation with Darren Demaree” — curated by Esteban Rodriguez
“Unlucky Mel: A Conversation with Aggeliki Pelekidis” — curated by Esteban Rodriguez
“This Tangled Body: A Conversation with Carmen Calatayud” — curated by Esteban Rodriguez
“the coordinates beg you / metal on flesh: A Conversation with Charleen McClure about d- sorientation”— curated by Tiffany Troy
“In a world of two, I was one: A Conversation with Jonathan Fletcher about This is My Body”— curated by Tiffany Troy
“i found devotion / in the margins of my notebooks: A Conversation with john compton about my husband holds my hand because i may drift away & be lost forever in the vortex of a crowded store”— curated by Tiffany Troy
“On the page she could sprout, grow and tend: A Conversation with Ananda Lima about Craft: Stories I Wrote for the Devil”— curated by Tiffany Troy
“I wanted a ghost-taste of wild honey, a dark smear of earth: A Conversation with Joan Larkin about Old Stranger”— curated by Tiffany Troy
“Below me, the Ocean, moss green, opaque & calm: A Conversation with Yaccaira Salvatierra about Sons of Salt”— curated by Tiffany Troy
“I chose to see the inner life / It was orange, cream, and beating: A Conversation between Dorothea Lasky about The Shining and Essays”— curated by Tiffany Troy
“Bravery is Not a Luxury: A Conversation with Editors Pichchenda Bao, Nicole Callihan, and Jennifer Franklin about Braving the Body”— curated by Tiffany Troy
“Be Kind Rewind: Where Poetry Meets Proust,” an interview series by L.J. Sysko with Ben Kline
Editors’ Selections in Poetry & Prose
A Portfolio of Poetry by Gillian Cummings
Curated & introduced by Kristina Marie Darling
A Portfolio of Poetry by Karen Donovan
Curated & introduced by Catherine Imbriglio
A Portfolio of Poetry by Alison Granucci
Curated & introduced by Kristina Marie Darling
A Portfolio of Poetry by Kylan Rice
Curated & introduced by Kristina Marie Darling
“Mother Tongue” by Kim Sunée
Curated & introduced by Kristina Marie Darling
Featured Visual Artist
Collaborative & Cross-Disciplinary Texts
Zachary Bartles — A Portfolio of Visual Poetry & a Collaboration with Cat Harris
Gary Barwin — “Act for the True Melting”
Carrie Green — “I Found My Way”
Lee Johnson — A Portfolio of Visual Poetry
Nance Van Winckel — “A Portfolio of Text-Based Photo Collages”
A Celebration of Literary Criticism
Two Critical Takes on Joanna Solfrian’s Temporary Beast: Shannon Vare Christine and Cheryl Passanisi
Shannon Vare Christine on Kalpna Singh-Chitnis’s Trespassing in My Ancestral Lands
Shannon Vare Christine on Jenny Grassl’s Magicholia
Jonathan Fletcher on American Diva by Deborah Paradez
Jonathan Fletcher on Toy Soldiers by Michael Chang
Cheryl Passanisi on Michelle Whittaker’s Spoke the Dark Matter
Charles Rammelkamp on the Poetry of Holaday Mason
Charles Rammelkamp on James Sherry’s Comin’ Round
Nicholas Skaldetvind on Gillian Conoley’s Notes from the Passenger
Aline Soules on Exhibitionist by Shari Caplan
Ben Tripp on John Reed’s The Never End
Chantale Van Tassel on Sarah Carey’s The Grief Committee Minutes
John Amen — “Waiting for Thia, Erisychthon” &
“Jackson Pollock Remembered”
Sloan Asakura — “Death in the Family,” “Apparition,” & “August 6, 19_5”
Eric Julian Baker — “American Sijo”
Rebecca Boyle — “Deleted Scenes from a Girl’s Life”
Carol Ciavonne — “Stillness,” “As Field” & “Looking at You Thinking of Wings”
Christopher Citro — A Portfolio of Poetry
Lenny Dellarocca — “Cloud Symbols”
Dan DeVaughn — “An Inexhaustive Guide to the Upper Blackland Prairie”
Benjamin Faro — “Variations on Folded Sonnet #25”
Paula Finn — “New Bedford, 1972” & “Legacy”
John Gallaher — “A Portfolio of Poetry”
Majda Gama — “My Mother Asks Me Not to Buy Her Flowers Anymore”
Elizabeth Knapp — “Negative Capability”
Lance Larsen — “Walt Whitman’s Beard” & “On the Care and Feeding of Clouds”
Sawnie Morris — A Portfolio of Poetry
Alycia Pirmohamed — “To Draw a Body of Water”
Lizzy Ke Polishan — “Things You Find When You Empty Your Pockets in a Dream”
Stephanie Ellis Schlaifer — “I want to be the man Pandora wants me to be”
JD Scott — “Dream Poem #0 (Poetics)”
JC Talamantez — “Reformulated Ockham”
Matthew Tuckner — “Study for Homage to the Square” & “Chicago, Board of Trade”
Spanish Language Poets in the U.S.:
A Portfolio of Literature in Translation
Curated & introduced by Laura Cesarco Eglin
Román Antopolsky (tr. Lisa Rose Bradford)
José Chapa Valle (tr. Don Bogen)
Andrea Cote Botero (tr. Laura Chalar)
Oriette D’Angelo (tr. Lupita Eyde-Tucker)
Eloísa De la Parra Blum (tr. Olivia Lott)
Giancarlo Huapaya (tr. Ryan Greene)
Silvina López Medin (tr. Jasmine V. Bailey Epstein)
Jesús Maya (tr. Jeannine Pitas)
Luis Muñoz (tr. Kelsi Vanada)
Marcelo Pellegrini (tr. Seth Michelson)
Omar Pimienta (tr. Lucina Schell)
Víctor Rodríguez Núñez (tr. Katherine Hedeen)
Erika Said (tr. Laura Chalar)
Roque Raquel Salas Rivera (tr. Roque Raquel Salas Rivera)
Camila Urioste (tr. Jeannine Pitas)
Seven Poets from North Macedonia: A Portfolio of Literature in Translation
Curated & introduced by Igor Radev and Ming Di
Vlada Urosevic (tr. Zoran Anchevski)
Katica Kjulavkova (tr. Sofija Popovska)
Zoran Anchevski (tr Zoran Anchevski)
Ivan Djeparoski (tr. Graham W. Reid, Zoran Anchevski)
Vladimir Martinovski (tr. Milan Damjanoski)
Natasha Sardzoska (tr. Natasha Sardzoska)
Andrej Al-Asadi (tr. Milan Damjanoski)
Literature in Translation
Umma Habiba — “Painkillers” — translated by Quamrul Hassan
Hu Sang — “In the Center of Nothingness,” “Recurring Tides” & “Memorizing the Future in a City of Shadows” —translated by Weija Pan
Li Yan — “Thirteen Short Poems to Chew On” — translated by Anna Yin
Gillian Cummings — “The World Between Worlds”
Laura Leigh Morris — “Charlotte and the Glass of Wine”