Poema publicado en la revista Casapaís (Uruguay), 2023
Poem published in the journal Casapaís (Uruguay), 2023
Camila-Urioste-1Camila Urioste is a Bolivian-Uruguayan writer. In 2005 she won the Premio Nacional de Poesía Yolanda Bedregal (Yolanda Bedregal National Poetry Prize) for Diario de Alicia (Alicia’s Diary).In 2014 she published her second book of poems, Caracol (Snail) with Plural Editores. In 2017 she won the Premio Nacional de Novela (National Novel Prize) for the book Soundtrack (Editorial 3600). She is one of the writers of the miniseries La Entrega (The Drop) (2019) and the feature film Muralla (Wall), which won thePremio Argentores al Mejor Guion Cinematográfico (Argentores Prize for Best Film Script) at the Festival Internacional de Cine de Jujuy (Jujuy International Film Festival).
Jeannine M. Pitas is the Spanish-English translator or co-translator of twelve books by Latin American authors, most recently Uruguayan poet Silvia Guerra’s A Sea at Dawn, co-translated with Jesse Lee Kercheval and published by Eulalia Books in 2023. Her translations of Jesús Maya’s poetry have appeared in Lummox and Seedings Journal. She lives in Pittsburgh, teaches at Saint Vincent College, and serves on the editorial teams of Eulalia Books and Presence: A Journal of Catholic Poetry.