Oriette D’Angelo is the founder and director of the literary magazine Digo.palabra.txt. Author of the poetry books En mi boca se abrirá la noche (Libero Editorial, 2023); Pájaro que muerde. Diario de Iowa, 2018-2019 (LP5 Editora, 2022); Inquietud (Digo.palabra.txt, 2021); and Cardiopatías (Monte Ávila Editores, 2016; Winner of the Emerging Writers Prize, 2014. Translated into English by Lupita Eyde-Tucker as Homeland of Swarms (co.im.press, 2024). She edited and wrote the prologue for the anthology of Venezuelan poetry Amanecimos sobre la palabra (Team Poetero Ediciones, 2017). In 2022, she was awarded the Stephen Lynn Smith Memorial Scholarship for Social Justice granted by the Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Department at the University of Iowa.
Lupita Eyde-Tucker is a poet and literary translator raised in New Jersey and Guayaquil, Ecuador. Lupita holds an MFA in Creative Writing – Poetry from the University of Florida, was named a fellow by Vermont Studio Center, and has received generous institutional support from Bread Loaf Writers Conferences, the Kentucky Women Writers Conference, and the New York State Summer Writing Institute. A four-time Pushcart Prize nominee, Lupita was recently named a Best New Poet of 2022. She is the translator of Oriette D’Angelo’s poetry collection, Homeland of Swarms (co•im•press, 2024). www.NotEnoughPoetry.com