Giancarlo Huapaya (Lima, Perú) is an editor, writer, and curator. His forthcoming book [gamerover] (Deep Vellum, 2025), is a counter mapping in poetry of a neighborhood in Phoenix, Arizona, revealing trajectories of supremacist violence by putting in tension history, language, and landscape. He is the Editorial Director of Cardboard House Press, dedicated to Latin American literature in translation. As a curator of visual poetics, he has presented exhibitions at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, the University of Arizona Poetry Center, and the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts. As a literary translator, he has translated into Spanish works by Muriel Rukeyser, C.D Wright, Susan Briante, Carmen Giménez Smith, and Zêdan Xelef, among others.
Ryan Greene is a translator, book farmer, and poet from Phoenix, Arizona. He’s a co-conspirator at F*%K IF I KNOW//BOOKS and a housemate at no.good.home. His translations include work by Claudina Domingo, Elena Salamanca, Ana Belén López, Giancarlo Huapaya, and Yaxkin Melchy, among others. Since 2018, he has co-facilitated the Cardboard House Press Cartonera Collective bookmaking workshops at Palabras Bilingual Bookstore. Like Collier, the ground he stands on is not his ground.