Andrea Cote Botero (tr. Laura Chalar)


Andrea Cote Botero is the author of three poetry collections, including En las Praderas del fin del mundo/In the Prairies of the end of the world. (Valparaíso, 2019). She has also published books on artists and poets, such as A Nude Photographer: A Biography of Tina Modotti (Panamericana, 2005). She curated and wrote a critical study for the Colombian women poets’ Anthology Pájaros de Sombra (Vaso Roto, 2019), winner of the International Latino Book Award for Best Poetry Collection (2020). Cote has received many prizes, including The National Prize of Poetry from the Universidad Externado of Colombia (2003). She has translated into Spanish the poets Khalil Gibran, Tracy K. Smith, and Jericho Brown. She is a professor of Creative Writing at UTEP.

Laura Chalar is a lawyer, writer, and translator from Uruguay. Her latest work in Spanish is the poetry collection Fin de la tarde (Sigamos Enamoradas, 2024). Her latest poetry collections in English are Riversent (Coal City Press, 2022), Unlearning (Coal City Press, 2017), Our Lady of Obligations (The Lune, 2017), as well as the short story collection The Guardian Angel of Lawyers (The Roundabout Press, 2018). She has written children’s books and has also edited the poetry anthology Touching the Light of Day: Six Uruguayan Poets (Veliz Books, 2016) and coedited the anthology Trusting on the Wide Air: Poems of Uruguay (Lavender Ink Press, 2019). Chalar, who is also a Pushcart Prize nominee, has translated literature from and into English and Spanish, as well as from the French, Italian and Portuguese.