Paula Abramo’s collection Fiat Lux won the 2013 Premio de Poesías Joaquín Xirau Icaza for the best […] from FIAT LUX by Paula Abramo – translated by Dick ...March 14, 2020 in Translation tagged Dick Cluster / Paula Abramo by Kristina Marie Darling
the match shows the distances between things reveals oppositions symmetries when everything was dark and then everything goes […] Childbirth. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, 1941 by Paula ...March 14, 2020 in Translation tagged Paula Abramo / Richard Cluster by Graham Apol
or matches can be forbidden and then between the fingers of a child who roasts ants mutilates snails […] I’m Here to Fight Epizootics by Paula Abramo – translated ...March 14, 2020 in Translation tagged Paula Abramo / Richard Cluster by Graham Apol