The police steal a black boy’s songs they steal them between the knees in his back all […] Vesper by Kevin SimmondsJuly 14, 2014 in Poetry tagged Kevin Simmonds by Ryan Gunn
Not the snake, his tongue all italics, nor rivers in loll and meander. Not the road that […] Acroke by Charles WyattJuly 14, 2014 in Poetry tagged Charles Wyatt by Ryan Gunn
Rectangular boatplanks plopped, nestled, and nailed by builders now decades dead, foot-perpendicular-by-foot-perpendicular, like the staves of the […] Ode to the Stairs by Andrea Witzke SlotJuly 14, 2014 in Prose / TQ4 Prose Open Contest tagged Andrea Witzke Slot by Ryan Gunn
I went down into the bone colored drifts, seeking something other than purity, brutality, cold, peace, all […] White Descent by Charlie BondhusJuly 14, 2014 in Poetry / Visual Art tagged Charlie Bondhus / Kevin Hinkle by Ryan Gunn
When something happens more than once... a man stooping down to get a wrench or screwdriver […] The Abacus Speaks to the End of Geometry by Afaa ...July 14, 2014 in Poetry tagged Afaa Michael Weaver by Ryan Gunn
returned from lunch encumbered. She had a puppy. He wasn’t with her physically, but she made a […] The New Lobotomist by Jill KleinJuly 14, 2014 in Poetry tagged Jill Klein by Ryan Gunn
The boy in the labyrinth is full of love. Full of inferences. The mysteries of the maze […] Labyrinth 90 by Oliver de la PazJuly 14, 2014 in Poetry tagged Oliver de la Paz by Ryan Gunn
*** 1. The wind pales after the fire, when it comes to its senses from the […] The wind pales… by Alexander Ulanov (translated by Alexander Cigale)July 14, 2014 in Poetry / Translation tagged Alex Cigale / Alexander Ulanov by Ryan Gunn
Dead on the ice a week now, spike horn buck half- eaten, torn up, and the neighborhood […] Spike Horn by Carol PotterJuly 14, 2014 in Poetry tagged Carol Potter by Ryan Gunn
shame is violence you knew that I know you through the artillery of your garments each bodice […] McQueen by Kevin SimmondsJuly 14, 2014 in Poetry tagged Kevin Simmonds by Ryan Gunn
I opened the pineapple for you when you told me of your sister — of barricaded limbs […] With Both Hands Bare Again by Krystal HowardJuly 14, 2014 in Poetry tagged Krystal Howard by Ryan Gunn
Nicolas Poynter recently finished his MFA in creative writing at Oklahoma City University. His work […] Ocean Front Walk by Nicolas PoynterJuly 14, 2014 in Visual Art tagged Nicolas Poynter by Ryan Gunn