Vania Vargas. Guatemala. 1978. Poet, prose writer, editor, and cultural journalist. She graduated from the Letters and Philosophy Undergraduate program of the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. She has published the books of poetry Cuentos infantiles (Catafixia editorial, 2010), Quizá ese día tampoco sea hoy (Editorial Cultura 2010, 2016), Los habitantes del aire (Editorial Cultura 2014, 2016) and Señas particulares y cicatrices (Catafixia editorial, 2015); as well as the short story collection Después del fin (El Pensativo, 2016). Her work has been included in various anthologies like Microfé: poesía guatemalteca contemporánea (Catafixia editorial, 2012), El futuro empezó ayer, apuesta por las nuevas escrituras de Guatemala (Catafixia editorial, 2013) and Ni hermosa ni maldita, narrativa guatemalteca actual (Alfaguara 2012). She was invited to the FIL Zócalo 2012 book fair, and the Feria del Libro de Panamá 2016 book fair; as well as to the Spanish departments of the University of Stanford in San Francisco, California and the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, to share her work. She has participated in the international poetry festivals of New York, Granada (Nicaragua), and Quetzaltenango (Guatemala). Lastly, she shared her work during the celebrations of the 2017 book day in the Metropolitan District of Quito, and the Network of Metropolitan Libraries, in Quito, Ecuador.
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