Daiana Henderson was born in Paraná, Argentina in 1988. She has lived in the city of Rosario since 2007. Her last books of poetry include Un foquito en medio del campo (2013), Humedal (2014) and Caja de herramientas (Chapbook, 2016). She is co-author of several poetry anthologies, which include 40 velocidades. Colección de poemas en bicicleta (2014) and 53/70: poesía argentina del siglo XXI (2015). She co-directs the editorial Neutrinos, specializing in contemporary poetry, and she has been a member of the curatorial team of the International Poetry Festival of Rosario since 2013.
She works in international rights for the University of Chicago Press and is a founding editor of Reading in Translation. She is a member of the Third Coast Translators Collective, and translates poetry from the Spanish. The first full-length collection of poetry by Miguel Ángel Bustos is forthcoming in her translation from co•im•press, in 2018.