This, my too-weak notice. I am tired with comparing my body to heavy things, of holding […] Resignation by Ashanti AndersonNovember 14, 2020 in Editors' Selections tagged Ashanti Anderson by Graham Apol
Ashanti Anderson’s three poems presented here—”Self-Portrait as Overseer,” “Self Portrait in Blackface, and “Resignation” are from […] An Introduction to Ashanti Anderson by Simone MuenchNovember 14, 2020 in Editors' Selections tagged Ashanti Anderson by Kristina Marie Darling
I am black and black underneath, my pink lips painted the most hollerin’est red. Bowtie so […] Self-Portrait in Blackface by Ashanti AndersonNovember 14, 2020 in Editors' Selections tagged Ashanti Anderson by Graham Apol
Ashanti Anderson’s three poems presented here—”Self-Portrait as Overseer,” “Self Portrait in Blackface, and “Resignation” are from her forthcoming […] An Introduction to Ashanti Anderson by Simone MuenchNovember 14, 2020 in Editors' Selections tagged Ashanti Anderson / Simone Muench by Graham Apol
Imagine a ten-year-old with a whip. In films, it’s always a middle-aged man with a haggard […] Self-Portrait as Overseer by Ashanti AndersonNovember 14, 2020 in Editors' Selections tagged Ashanti Anderson by Graham Apol