Will these songs fly even higher?
From a mask they’ll make an even poorer
artifice, reducing the
ashes of their life experience,
dulling his horns,
assembling the created species.
Our work, the darkest,
drinking from the same ocean
Foolish is he who
believes not in deluges.
Like a smaller, more condensed version of the Bund, the pedestrianised, cobblestone Yuanmingyuan Rd.
Juan Arabia (Buenos Aires, 1983) is a poet, translator and literary critic. In addition to publishing four books of poetry, he has written extensively on John Fante and the Beat Generation. He has translated Arthur Rimbaud, Ezra Pound, and a book-length anthology of Beat poets, among many others. Juan Arabia has published books of poetry throughout Latin America, Europe and China: El Enemigo de los Thirties (Buenos Aires Poetry, 2015 / Samuele Editore, Italia, 2017 / L´Océan Avare, Al Manar, Francia, 2018), desalojo de la naturaleza (Buenos Aires Poetry, 2018) and Hacia Carcassonne (Pre-Textos, España, 2020), among others. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, and the founder and director of the literary journal and press Buenos Aires Poetry.
Gwendolyn Osterwald (United States, Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York) is a linguist and translator. A Spanish, Chinese, Chinese Studies, and Forensic Linguistics student, she has previously published an article in IAFOR Journal of Arts and Humanities about queer identities. She has studied in Granada, Spain, and Shanghai, China as well as traveled the world.