Jana Putrle Srdić is a Slovenian writer, poet and translator of poetry from English, Russian and Serbian. She writes on art and is a producer of art & science exhibitions at the Kersnikova Institute in Ljubljana and internationally. Since 2003 she has published four volumes of poems, two of which were shortlisted for national awards. She has appeared on the Centre for Slovenian Literature’s annual list of Top Ten Books three times. Her poetry has been published in numerous publications abroad, her books have been translated into Spanish, Romanian, German and English, and she has read in South America, Cuba, Canada, the USA, Egypt, Russia, the UK and Europe-wide. She is currently working on a book of short stories following the publication in 2022 of her prose debut.
Sue Vickerman is currently writing on identity ideologies and the rise of the far right in Europe. Sue’s poems, translations, stories and articles have appeared in the UK in The Guardian, Times Educational Supplement, The Poetry Review, Oxford Poetry, Stand, The Rialto, and anthologies; also internationally: the Stockholm Review, The Los Angeles Review, Trafika Europe, Shanghai Review etc. Her latest published works are translations from German: a volume of poems by Kathrin Schmidt (Arc Publications 2020) and Schmidt’s short story collection It’s over. Don’t go there. Sue has five poetry and four prose publications in print and edits for independent literary press Naked Eye Publishing. suevickerman.uk