All lies have basic truths in common:
buzzards’ll flat clean the vermin up
Lies always takes an adjective
Today, my son: I’m the king of circles!
Welcome to my square castle
It’s like that, this museum
This museum of gunshots and warmth as reminder,
of young lovers and chalkboards
This museum of railroad spikes
and world beers
Baking soda and vinegar when mixed
This museum of Waterloo-all-over-again,
of men who make crabapple jelly
This museum of vertigo that makes me dance
The word for “sky” is ciel
The word for “heaven” is ciel
How I hurried to tell you this
Editor’s Feature in TQ1: An Interview with Gary McDowell by TJ Jarrett
Gary L. McDowell is the author of Weeping at a Stranger’s Funeral (Dream Horse Press, forthcoming) and American Amen (Dream Horse Press, 2010) and is the co-editor of The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Prose Poetry (Rose Metal Press, 2010). He lives in Nashville, TN.