TQ3: Table of Contents


Editor’s Foreword by Jessamyn Smyth


Editors’ Features

Cassandra CleghornPairings

Bronwyn MillsThe River Road

Eric DartonDirect Transmission of the Oblique

Andrea ApplebeeOut of the Dead Land

Jessamyn SmythStory, Community, Survival

          – Living Pedagogies: an invitation to send creative nonfiction


TQ3 Poetry Contest

Thank you to our TQ3 judge Alicia Ostriker



          The Humility of St. Teresa of Ávila by Rochelle Hurt



          Legacy by Eric Berlin

          Prologue by Jane Medved

          Apprentice by Catherine Turnbull


Honorable Mention

          Mass Grave, Ukraine by Laura Lauth (Congratulations on winning the AROHO Orlando Prize for this beautiful poem!)


Finalists List



Dan Albergotti


Brandon Amico


Tricia Asklar

          –Before We Can Speak to Her About Death

Laura Bernstein

          –Davydov Stradivarius

Cathleen Calbert

          –Meals Men Have Made Me

Monique-Adelle Callahan


Don Colburn

          –Along Mink Brook, Early Spring

Kristina Marie Darling

          –5 poems from The Arctic Circle

Kwame Dawes



Lauren Eggert-Crowe

          –How it Felt to be Born

Beatrix Gates

          –Burying Winter

          –Dear _________ ,

Sarah Giragosian

          –The Last Animal


          –Zoo Dream

Veronica Golos

          –Ghost Code #3

Juliana Gray

          –Balthus, The Victim, 1946

          –Honey Don’t

          –My Father’s Gun

                    –Introduction to Juliana Gray’s Poems by CM Burroughs

Chera Hammons

          –The Killing Frost

Shannon Hardwick

          –The One Who Broke

Elizabeth Harlan-Ferlo


Sarah Janczak

          –Somewhere Over Nevada I Realize

Brett Elizabeth Jenkins

          –Leave of Absence

          –On Being Asked by My Friend’s Minister if I’ve Found the Lord

Gabriel Jesiolowski

          –monarch season

Don Judson


Laurie Clements Lambeth



          –IN MOTION THE REST (PLATE 541)

Eleanor Lerman

          –A Wave Can Be a Particle

Sandy Longhorn

          –The Body’s Instinct is to Bloom

          –That Which Blooms Beyond Where it is Planted

Brianna Low

          –Elegy with Weather

          –If Love Finds Us in the Fallout Shelter

Yael Massen

          –Let Us Go, My Beloved

Christina Mengert


Nancy L. Meyer

          –At Least The Porch

Tony Morris

          –A Small Space After

Karissa Morton

          –Desert Eros

          –Epistle with Cyclone

Robin Myers

          –The Gleam


Brian Nicolet

          –Pantoum for the Greater Erasure

John Nieves


Jenn Marie Nunes

          –grammar is political…(an excerpt from ‘Where You Stay At’)

Catherine Pond

          –From The Far-Away, Nearby

Nancy Reddy

          –A Theory of Disaster

          –Bad Magic

          –Ex Machina

          –Friendly Letter

          –Why the McKean County Lifeguards Left Town

Edie Rhoads

          –Amina (August)

          –Sestina for a Batterer (March)

Anna Ross

          –Self-Portrait in Drought

          –Self Portrait with Alternate Ending

Carey Russell


Adam Tavel

          –At Bowie Branch Library

          –The Executioner Geoffroy Therage Repents for Burning Joan of Arc

Ruth Thompson


Anna Welch


Eric Wertheimer

          –Ideology of Sky

Nicholas Wong

          –I Love To Be Your Witness




William Black


Chase Burke

          –Restoration Efforts Underway

Michael Hawley


Kelvin Christopher James




Cecco Angiolieri (translated by Brett Foster)

          –“Crash and Burn,” “Love’s Hassled Vassal,” “Settling for Little, and Even Less”

George Vulturescu (translated by Adam Sorkin and Olimpia Iacob)

          –The Ballad of the Glass

          –In the Dew, in the Mist

          –On Icy Shores

          –The Poem on Easter Night


Visual Art

Otha “Vakseen” Davis III


          –Veils of Carnality

Hoda Fakhari

          –Hussain, Your Name Will Always Rest Upon our Lips

          –Return to the Tents

Ira Joel Haber


          –The End of Winter

William Paul Plumlee






Louis Staeble

          –Haskins Barn

          –Night Escape


Dr. Ernest Williamson III

          –Dance for You

          –The Giving of Genius

          –In Conversation With My Art