ten sun bears sit around a large circle table
all holding copies of the same textbook
the lead sun bear (whom all the other sun bears
hope to one day become) is running late
because their staff meeting went long
and they had many emails to reply to
the sun bears begin to discuss the text
which was written by a sun bear
from another academic institution
the thesis of the book is something
about how the history of sun bears
is often ignored because other species
of bears are more powerful and thus
hold positions of power and overtime
get to choose which species of bears’
history gets to be told/remembered
we all agree the book should be lauded
for its creativity and willingness to question
the social norms of history
the lead sun bear walks into the room
carrying iced coffee, bear claws and a
variety of other pastries
he or she says
Sorry I’m late. One of my undergraduate sunbears
was having trouble submitting their term paper online.
the eleven sun bears spend the next half hour
or so eating the pastries and talking about
the clunkiness of virtual classroom spaces
rising rent prices lack of institutional support
and other daily living hazards
Sean Cho A. is the author of American Home (Autumn House 2021) winner of the Autumn House Press chapbook contest. His work can be future found or ignored in Copper Nickel, Pleiades, The Penn Review, The Massachusetts Review, Nashville Review, among others. He is currently an MFA candidate at the University of California Irvine, and will join the PhD program at the University of Cincinnati in the fall. Sean is the Associate Editor of THRUSH Poetry Journal. Find him @phlat_soda