Ghost Code #3 by Veronica Golos


wailing stars  flee above    me as ground yields   or doesn’t yield    and I run   standing I run
heartbeatbirdgod run   run in dumb sleep   moaning eating digging   I am all run all I am  even run  as I tell thee these words   hear the scrape of thy pencil   against the paper  as you write my runningwords    can you hear on such things  I see  I see through all   whiteness see  through you   and they   see within see   my name my name is no    name no  name I am   inside    I run and when I find there I will be   rocking a sun and moonshine singing   yes   inside me   I will not stop    all around    everywhere   I  follow   the underneath  to the bellows   down down into the beingplace   I follow feet fleet  fast fingers running over the bend of the coming  yes to elsewhere yesyes to elsewhere    where I run outside my skin



Veronica Golos is the author of A Bell Buried Deep (Nicholas Roerich Poetry Prize), and Vocabulary of Silence (Red Hen Press) winner of the New Mexico Book Award. She is the co-editor of the Taos Journal of International Poetry & Art, and Poetry Editor of the Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion.