Ringing in the year with brutalism and velour
Accidental accentual matching
Show me a building with no facing
The sparrow begging for crumbs
Nests within the hollow of your chest
What does it mean to be vulnerable?
I don’t disguise my raw materials
Sadness is present Desire is present
Oversharing our worst selves
A ringing in the ears
A ringing in the ears
I could live pressed against your body
like a bird or polished stone
Brutal in the same basic way
Cassidy McFadzean holds an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and lives in Brooklyn. She is the author of two books of poetry: Drolleries (McClelland & Stewart 2019) and Hacker Packer (M&S 2015). Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in BOAAT, Diode, Yalobusha Review, and Denver Quarterly.