A Process Note
All the Women I Know is a text-image collaboration that archives women in the act of resisting.
Christine Hume is the author of an experimental memoir in the form of three interlinked essays, Saturation Project (Solid Objects, 2021), as well as three books of poetry. Her last two chapbooks are Question Like a Face (Image Text Ithaca, 2017), a collaboration with Jeff Clark and a Brooklyn Rail Best Nonfiction Book of the Year, and A Different Shade for Each Person Reading the Story (PANK Books, 2020). She recently guest-edited a special issue of the American Book Review onGirlhood,and since 2001, she’s taught at Eastern Michigan University.
Laura Larson is an artist based in Columbus, OH. She’s exhibited her work extensively, at such venues as Bronx Museum of the Arts, Centre Pompidou, Columbus Museum of Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, and Wexner Center for the Arts. Her first book, Hidden Mother (2017), was shortlisted for the Aperture-Paris Photo First Photobook Prize. She is currently at work on a new book, City of Incurable Women, that examines the 19th century treatment of hysteria. Her work is represented by Contemporary Art Matters in Columbus, OH.