Leave of Absence by Brett Elizabeth Jenkins

Yes, I have been trying to find a way
to tell you I have the Stigmata. I have been
going through our company hand-
book and there is no section on miracles.
I know, my insurance representative
is likely to be stumped. These bandages
soak through so quickly, I am afraid
I will be of no use at the office.
I would need to get up several times
an hour to swab and swaddle them.
Everyone would want to see my hands,
to look through them like keyholes.
I do not want to use my sick days. I feel
okay, but for these weeping wounds.
Brett Elizabeth Jenkins lives and writes in Saint Paul. Look for her work in Beloit Poetry Journal, PANK, Potomac Review, Revolver, Paper Darts, RHINO, and elsewhere.