endometriosis ode by k Abram

how did this elm
end up in my lakeing

body, or am I

meant to be a grass

land, should I have grown

out not up, blade

not trunk, mown not

hedged–or, why are roots

hissing my famine

fled feet like, who’s this

willow writhing

my Anatevka

hair–or when did fir

start to feeler my bready

basket, did I just hear

a woodpecker


my kidneys, or what

heights did I drop from

all this wooly seed, I have

reached up my open

trunk, haven’t found

nut, I grow
my own gauze, bruise

my owned bramble, how

to seek my selves

shade, wake up


with ectopic tubers

draw myself



flower, I am

drawn, eat

my rot

nectar, woody

hearse–if I halved

my ribcage would

there be rings


k Abram is a poet and collage artist based in Brooklyn, NY. Their work has been supported by the Blue Mountain Center, published in The Offing, and recognized as a finalist for the Wabash Prize for Poetry. She is an MFA candidate and creative writing instructor at NYU. You can follow her work on Instagram @ok.abram and on Twitter @ok_abram.