Carla Harryman from “Scales for the Living”

Written between Fall 2021 and Summer 2023 “Scales for the Living” is the third poem-prose-dialogue sequence of Good Morning Trilogy. Written through the pandemic period, the improvised conversations happen between two unnamed entities within their dwelling usually during the morning. These dialogues can variously be thought of as representations of one person’s interior thoughts or as literal exchanges. They are written in liminal states before I am fully awake, usually just after breakfast.

—Carla Harryman


Carla Harryman’s recent publications include the poem-dialogue works Cloud Cantata (Pamenar, 2022) and Good Morning (PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art, 2022); A Voice to Perform: One Opera/Two Plays (SplitLevel Text, 2020), and a two-volume bilingual edition of poetry and performance writing Sue in Berlin and Sue á Berlin, translated by Sabine Huynh (PURH, 2018). Her plays and text-based performance scores have been performed nationally and internationally.