Triplecross: Three artists who use words
Our local Public Television station recently featured a documentary about photographers who captured images of musicians in concert (“Icon: Music through the Lens”). The premise was: How do you translate one artistic medium using another? Some of them did so with panache. Think of Baron Wolman’s famous photograph of Jimi Hendrix taken in 1968. These three features for TQ29 may not be as much about translation as they are about inclusion. Or a combination of both.
The three artists for TQ29 are cross-disciplinary thinkers, using the dual mediums of imagery and WORD. Michelle Bowen has taught us a completely new language, assigning letter values to the colors in her paintings, then taking her experiments to the limit. Nance Van Winckel has used original word-rich imagery, along with her poetic text, to send us on a surreal journey through her “illustrated poem-stories.” And animation artist Sally Eckhoff often calls her video works “music appreciation” pieces, but you’ll see a combination of illustration, collage, poetry, music and word art at play in a veritable symphony for the senses in her short films.