“Augury is a form of witchcraft,” Hannah Page writes in this folio of her poems featured in Tupelo Quarterly, and it is a maxim which might be said of Page’s poetry as well. Her poems look to the future in considering the becoming and second coming of the female body in the luster of the diamonds “underneath,” or better said, “undone.” With Page’s lush diction, astute cadence, and one-of-a-kind voice, explore the body and its repulsions shaped by drugs, mental health, mythology, and the occult. Be brave the way Page is, in “becoming the becoming / the Mother but also not yet, / but also a goddess.” Page’s poetry offers no easy answers but deep feeling, as when we are asked: “Do you know we have always loved on a cosmic scale?”
Hannah Page holds a BA and an MFA from Columbia University. With a full-length collection of poetry in the works, she treats topics as taboo as BPD and relationship abuse and as offbeat as witchcraft with an eye toward authenticity, normalization, and empowerment. For her, “good” poetry tugs at the emotions in a visceral way that can lead to catharsis, and she aims to catalyze this process for every single reader open to its magic.