Announcing our TQ32 Contest Winners

Meet our TQ32 Poetry Prize Winner

KB Kinkel is a writer based in Massachusetts. Hispoems, interviews, and reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in Tupelo Quarterly, Ninth Letter, Prelude, The Rumpus, Poetry Online, and elsewhere. He holds an MFA in poetry from the University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop, and is the author of the chapbook blood machine, a finalist for the 2020 Tupelo Press Sunken Garden Chapbook Prize and a semifinalist for the Poetry.ONL Chapbook Series Fellowship (2023). He was a semifinalist for the Bennett Nieberg Transpoetic Broadside Prize (Gasher Press, 2023) and was longlisted for the 2023 Frontier Award for New Poets (2023). He teaches English and creative writing at the Cambridge School of Weston (MA). 


Meet our TQ32 Prose Prose Open Prize Winner

Rebecca Jamieson is the author of the chapbook The Body of All Things (Finishing Line Press, 2017). Her writing has appeared in Entropy, Mid-American Review, The Offing, Rattle, and elsewhere. Her work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, and she has been awarded fellowships from the Vermont Studio Center, the Fishtrap Writers’ Conference, and the Spring Creek Project. Rebecca holds an MFA in Writing and Publishing from the Vermont College of Fine Arts, and she is the founder of Contemplate Create, where she teaches creative writing with a mindfulness lens. She lives on Ho-Chunk land in Madison, Wisconsin, and when she isn’t writing, she’s cuddling her two cats, hiking, and baking. You can find her at and @rebeccabjamieson on Instagram.
