Israeli poet Eli Eliahu’s publications include Epistles to the Children, (Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 2018); City and Fears (Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 2011), and I, and Not an Angel (Tel Aviv: Helicon, 2008). He has been awarded the Matanel Prize for Young Jewish Writers (2013), the Israel Prime Minister’s Prize in Poetry (2014), and the Brenner Prize for Poetry (2019). He works as an editor at the daily newspaper Haaretz.
Marcela Sulak’s most recent publications are City of Sky Papers,2021, a book of poems, and the memoir Mouth Full of Seeds, 2020, both from Black Lawrence Press. An NEA Translation Fellow and nominee for a 2017 PEN Award for Poetry in Translation, Sulak has translated five poetry collections from Czech, French, and Hebrew. She directs the Shaindy Rudoff Graduate Program in Creative Writing at Bar Ilan University.