TQ6 Visual Artists


Little Pink Lake by Robyn O'Neil

15 1/6″ x 11 1/8″
graphite & oil pastel 


Robyn O’Neil

“... I envisioned a world with no one. Empty, raw, new. I saw tectonic plates, a heated ocean, and misty beginnings. It’s my imagined version of this world without the annoyance of us humans. And yes, after utter chaos. So I wanted it to be both the aftermath of The End and images of a new world.”

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From  Book of Ruth by Robert Seydel, Siglio, 2011. Image(s) courtesy of Siglio and the artist.

From Book of Ruth by Robert Seydel, Siglio, 2011. Image(s) courtesy of Siglio and the artist.


Robert Seydel

“Where the stains go, that make my art, against orders & the day, I’ll go too, happy & tripping into the City, my heart. Even the bricks are tangled there in the beauty, which is all the beauty I need or know.”

– from A Picture is Always a Book


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Red Ember Grill by Abeer Hoque

Red Ember Grill

Abeer Hoque

“I am an unrepentant lover of cities. New York is one of the great ones, and despite the astonishing loneliness that can come of being in the midst of millions, it’s also an exhilarating and beautiful thing. There is a ruin and grit to urban spaces and there is grandeur, too.”

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