TQ3 Poetry Contest

Thank you to our TQ3 judge Alicia Ostriker



          The Humility of St. Teresa of Ávila by Rochelle Hurt



          Legacy by Eric Berlin

          Prologue by Jane Medved

          Apprentice by Catherine Turnbull


Honorable Mention

          Mass Grave, Ukraine by Laura Lauth (Congratulations on the AROHO Orlando Prize!)



          From The Far-Away, Nearby by Catherine Pond

          Manifestations by Christina Mengert

          Amina (August) by Edie Rhoads

          A Wave Can Be a Particle by Eleanor Lerman

          Ideology of Sky by Eric Wertheimer

          Let Us Go, My Beloved by Yael Massen

          The One Who Broke by Shannon Hardwick

          Magicicada by Carey Russell

          Ghost Code #3 by Veronica Golos

          I Love To Be Your Witness by Nicholas Wong

          Orientalism by Nicholas Wong

          monarch season by Gabriel Jesiolowski

          Sestina for a Batterer (March) by Edie Rhoads

          How It Felt To Be Born by Lauren Eggert-Crowe

          Dementia by Ruth Thompson