Editor’s Foreword
by Jessamyn Smyth
Editors’ Features
Cassandra Cleghorn – Fes, Morocco: Kevin Bubriski
Jessamyn Smyth – Aboutness (a conversation with Phillip B. Williams)
Nancy Naomi Carlson – Found in Translation: Mapping the Music
Eric Darton – Book of the World Courant: V – VII
Ming Di – Interview with Croatian poet Damir Šodan
Cassandra Cleghorn – Pairing: Poets and Painters
Bronwyn Mills – Turkish Journal, Part 1: By the Spoonmaker’s Tomb
Jessamyn Smyth – The Musing Gaze: a conversation with Chad Parmenter
Letters from the Loft
Letter from the Loft #1 by Jeffrey Levine
TQ2 Prose Open Contest
Thank you to our TQ2 Prose Open contest judge Matt Bell!
Laps by JoAnna Novak
The Unreliable Patient by Andrea Witzke Slot
The Longevity of Bone by Laurel Blossom
Nature: An Essay by Christine Marshall
Editor’s Honorable Mention
Prose & Cons: Considerations of a Woman with Two Genres by Julie Marie Wade
Finalists List
–Where a Scorpion Sleeps – Tête Fantastique
–definitive mechanisms for monetizing forests
–A Blind Date Asks About the War
–Poem About My Late Brother Kevin’s Body
–Mama Hulas with the Eggslice Player One Last Time
–Portrait of my Brother as Indiana Jones
–Broken Clouds, Moline Airport
–Outside North Platte, Nebraska, Sick for Home
–Evolution of the Grade School Bully
–I Love How Old People Talk About the Dead
–A photograph is not a ghost or past
–She’s the image you are but far more
–That’s One Way to Think of It
–Elegy for Dennis, More Soldier Orchid than Blood Brother
–Once In the Land of Cumulative Pelts . . .
–Excerpt from Opposite Daring: Prose Translations of Sappho
–At the Proposed Site of the Rosemont Copper Mine
–My Uncle’s Last Day in Hospice
–The Incurable Habit: on Okla Elliott’s “The Boiling Glass” by Jessamyn Smyth
My Father, The Swimmer
Paul Lenehan
–Prose & Cons: Considerations of a Woman with Two Genres
–Jesus’ Son: B.E. Hopkins on Chelsea Werner-Jatzke’s “Sweet Nothing: A Manifesto”
–Appearance of the Deer Woman: Diptychs
–Synaesthesia and Laurie Saurborn Young’s “Appearance of the Deer Woman: Diptychs” by Bronwyn Mills
Annemette Kure Andersen (translated by Thom Satterlee)
Pēters Brūveris (translated by Inara Cedrins)
–Climbing Mountains, Undertaking, and others
Brane Mozetic (translated by Tamara Soban)
Francisco Urondo (translated by Julia Leverone)
Zheng Xiaoqiong (translated by Jonathan Stalling and Xian Liqiang)