The One Who Broke by Shannon Hardwick

Sometimes a prayer can be about re-entering
the haunting. Sometimes it needs your voice
to speak into it. Tenderly, a prayer can be
about touching the untouched again, to walk in
the room, bow down in honor of the lighted heart
on fire for your destruction, the one who broke
into you and made a person who prays.



Shannon Elizabeth Hardwick received her MFA from Sarah Lawrence College. She has been nominated for a Best New Poets and her manuscript was a finalist for the Levis Prize in Poetry. Hardwick’s chapbook, Hummingbird Mind, is available through Mouthfeel Press and she is an associate poetry editor for The Boiler Journal. Her work has appeared in the following: Salt Hill, Devil’s Lake, Versal, Sugar House Review, Four Way Review, among others. She writes in the deserts of West Texas.